About me

Rosa, born and raised in Stuttgart, discovered her love for acrobatics at a young age through the youth circus "Calibastra". After completing high school, her passion for the circus led her to America, where she worked for a year as an artist and trainer at "Circus Mojo". Following that, she graduated a dance education as a stage dancer at "Balance1" in Berlin. Additionally, she completed training as an artist at the IVA International Variety Academy with former contortionist Nicole Gerstner.
Ihre Leidenschaft für den Zirkus brachte sie nach dem Abitur nach Amerika, wo sie für ein Jahr als Artistin und Trainerin beim „Circus Mojo“ arbeitete.
Anschließend folgte eine mehrjährige Tanzausbildung zur Bühnentänzerin bei „Balance1“ in Berlin. Nebenbei absolvierte sie eine Ausbildung zur Artistin an der IVA Internationalen Varieté Akademie und bei der ehemaligen Kontorsionistin Nicole Gerstner.
Even during her training, she was able to demonstrate her talent through engagements both domestically and abroad. Here are some highlights of her performances:
- Firm Gala at Admiralspalast
- Show at the streetfood festival with boavista
- Marketing campain for microsoft with Hawkins and Cross Media
- Gala dinner for DEPV
- Scheinbar Varieté Berlin
- Varieté Show at Ballhaus Wedding